Best Merchandising Practices

Best Merchandising Practices 150 150 Scorpion Dutch

Assumed by all in retail to be a standard operating procedure, my experience in the space planning field has taught me that best merchandising practices don’t seem to be as important to to some retailers as what they should be. As consumers we would expect an effortless shopping experience when in search of what we need within a retail store. We would expect clearly indicated category signage, wide open isles to allow for easy movement. When arriving at the shelves we would like to see the shelves fully stocked, and shelves to have an easy flow of products merchandised by brand, or by price. So why is it that some retailers don’t get this right?

I wonder how many consumers turn around and head elsewhere when they experience bad merchandising practices. In my opinion, consumers should not be expected to decipher the array of scattered products in front of them and to rummage through the shelves to find what they need. This will cause frustration with consumers and will decrease consumer loyalty and product sales.

It’s time for someone to step in and help these retailers to better understand best merchandising practices and the benefits of applying them in their stores. It’s time for technology and tested processes that have shown increases in sales by at least 4% and in some cases has shown a category growth by up to 24%. Its time for Scorpion Planogram

By Craig Burger
Space Planning Consultant, South Africa Office