Using a Pharmacy Planogram Software for Test-to-Treat Services

Using a Pharmacy Planogram Software for Test-to-Treat Services 150 150 Scorpion Planogram

Pharmacy planogram tools are more important now than ever before. In the wake of the novel coronavirus pandemic, consumers have come to rely more heavily on pharmacy services. Whether they’re testing for COVID-19 or collecting newly prescribed medicines, customers are visiting pharmacies more frequently than ever before.

Newly required services are compounding the complications of increased foot traffic. For example, offering coronavirus testing and vaccinations has stretched pharmacies thin. Now, there is a greater push for a federal “Test-to-Treat” service.

Pharmacies that offer this option allow customers to visit for a COVID-19 test. If the individual tests positive, the pharmacist can prescribe and provide them with an antiviral medication, like Paxlovid. The idea is to create a seamless experience that minimizes work on the part of the pharmacy customer.

But pharmacies themselves are struggling to keep up with the demand for COVID-19 related services. If your business is looking for ways to alleviate certain customer needs, you may need a pharmacy planogram’s support.


Optimizing Foot Traffic in Pharmacies with Test-to-Treat Services

Increased foot traffic to the pharmacy counter can cause problems for both workers and other customers. Here are a few ways a pharmacy planogram can help alleviate the added strain.

  • Analyze Patient Behavior: When pharmacy patients come in, do they head straight for the counter, or do they pick up items along the way? Are there specific items that patients prioritize on their walk to the counter? Understanding what products patients purchase – whether that purchase is an impulse or planned – can improve a store’s bottom line. If you know that pharmacy patients are likely to purchase cough medicine and nutritional supplements, put those items closer to the pharmacy counter.
  • Organize the Space by Profit Margin: Some pharmacies prefer to organize the space into high-margin and low-margin spaces. The retailer can then lead foot traffic toward high-margin items to improve the store’s bottom line.
  • Understand Patient Purchasing: Many people who enter the pharmacy are only there to pick up prescriptions. Some folks are there for test-to-treat options, and others are picking up food and entertaining items, like chips or magazines. A planogram tool can help a pharmacy understand these three distinct consumer profiles, then orient the store to fit their needs. For example, a store may relocate their pharmacy counter to sit near the primary entrance to allow for expedited visits for customers with limited needs. A different store may decide to put their pharmacy counter toward the back of the building to facilitate impulse purchasing.


Try Scorpion Planogram for Pharmacy Organization

The recent COVID-19 test-to-treat program is likely the first of many pharmacy-based healthcare provisions. Now is an outstanding time to reconfigure a pharmacy space to better suit the needs of the customer and workers – and to increase the store’s revenue. Scorpion Planogram, an affordable and user-friendly software, is an excellent option for retailers looking to step into the world of pharmacy planogram programming. With an intuitive interface, automatic data synchronization, and simple sharing tools, Scorpion Planogram is the cost-efficient tool you need.